Black Permaculture Network
BPN is a network of Afro-indigenous people who have come together through the practices of permaculture, agroecology, natural living and care of the earth. We recognize and honor the ancestral and historical knowledge that each of these land care practices embrace and strive to broaden inter-cultural dialogue around natural earth care; the love of people, plants and animals.
We honor the ancestral principles of MA’AT that include: Thou shalt not disrespect sacred places, nor do any harm to human or to animals, nor take more than thy fair share of food, nor pollute the water or the land. We salute the Black Panther Party’s “10-point program” that asserts, we want freedom. and power to determine the destiny of our Black Community. We invite people to find healing through our connections with the earth and her energies, as well as each other.
I co-founded the Black Permaculture Network with a mission to:
Promote cross-cultural dialogue and education around permaculture design within diverse communities.
Provide culturally relevant and hands-on learning opportunities for diverse communities around permaculture design.
- Serve as an informational hub to access best practices, training resources and current events in the field of permaculture design.
- Provide educational and leadership opportunities for educators, activists, students, and community members currently underrepresented in the field of sustainability.
Please visit our website for more information!