Closed Looping Cooking: Earth Care, People Care and Fair Share
Vice Magazine: How to be environmentally conscious when your young and broke
Organic Life Magazine: Why this woman is teaching ex prisoners about permaculture
21st Century Permaculture Podcast UK: Social Permaculture Interview
Transition Network: Responding to the Prison Industrial Complex with Permaculture
Spirituality & Health Magazine: Finding a green life behind bars
Earth Island Journal: Living the Green Life
Permaculture Voices: A Pattern Language for Women in Permaculture
East Bay Express: Coming Home
Toyota Green Initiative-Sustainability outreach efforts at Historically Black Colleges and Universities
Spotlight: Green For All Fellow
Featured within: "Scribble Scrabble- Learning to Read and Write: Success with diverse Teachers, Children and Families
Initial writing & editing: "Shades of Green: A Greenbuilding Guide for Youthbuild Associates"
Resilient by Design | Bay Area Challenge (team trailer for P+SET: Permaculture plus Social Equity)
Global Women and Water Initiative
Women's Permaculture Convergence promotional video
Permaculture Time Scouts video